Sammie’s Career Goals
I want to be a firefighter paramedic in Minnesota.

Tags on answered questions

I am interested in becoming a firefighter, is that something I would need to go to college for? If so, what classes should I take in college and what school in MN should I attend?
I have applied to community college to major in fire science, is that a good choice I made?

What are some helpful high school courses to take if I want to become a firefighter?
Also, if I want to go to college to become a firefighter, what classes should I take or what should I major in?

What is the most exciting part of being a firefighter?
What makes you excited to get out of bed and go to work?

What are the most challenging aspects of being a firefighter?
I know if I were to become a firefighter, I would be faced with many challenges. Specifically at emergencies, do you ever leave the scene with trauma or bad memories?

What are a firefighters greatest strengths?
What are the greatest strengths you need to become a successful firefighter?