Jorge Boabaid
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What is the best way to prepare for an interview?
Honestly, I have not been on many interviews within my lifetime. However, during my Principles of Professional Psych course at Kean University my class as a whole had to do a one on one brief interview with the professor in front of the entire class. The professor asked us a numerous amount of...

What skills do I need to work in the IT Field?
Hi. I have selected computer science group, doing 12 Standard in Govt school. What are the skill to be developed to join IT Field. #computer-science #software #information-technology #it-support

How I can find a career that fits me best?
I had a lot of differences finding a career and I need a little help by finding them. #career-counseling #human-resources

What does marketing and sales have to do with the sports entertainment industry?
What relation or career job connects marketing/sales with the sports entertainment industry? #sports #marketing #sales #sports-marketing

What is success and happiness
Tell me something I dont know. #management #life #life-coach #happiness #analytics #succession-planning #success-driven #rich

How can I get more job responses?
It seems as if there is a very unlikely chance that jobs will call me back if I apply online, but the only way to apply is through different websites. How can I get more job responses /interviews back to the jobs that I apply to?

Sales representative
What are some techniques which you should learn to become a good sales? #sales