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Ellie Ostroff’s Avatar

Ellie Ostroff

Technology Sales
Sales and Related Occupations
San Diego, California
4 Answers
8643 Reads
1 Karma

Active Locations

Summer’s Avatar
Summer Mar 30, 2024 1539 views

How to turn my weakness into one of my strengths?

I'm kind of a procrastinator but I always do my work as the last moment.i work better under pressure because I focus more on those type of moments

Neyssa’s Avatar
Neyssa Apr 30, 2024 3305 views

Can I still go to college if I have bad grades my freshman year and straight A's the rest of high school?

Can I still go to college if I have bad grades my freshman year and straight A's the rest of high school?

Pranav’s Avatar
Pranav Mar 04, 2019 1850 views

How do I land a tech internship with no experience?

#internship #technology #computer-science #job #programming #tech #data-science #machine-learning #AI

Kelly’s Avatar
Kelly May 02, 2016 6899 views

What made you want to work in sales for a tech company over working in sales in other industries?

I've been told I'd be great at sales, but I'm not sure where to start looking for jobs. Why do you do sales for the company you work for? What should I look for in a company to work for right out of school? #technology #sales