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Ryan Thomas’s Avatar

Ryan Thomas

Management Occupations
New York, New York
4 Answers
17222 Reads
31 Karma

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Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Nov 17, 2023 1315 views

What is the best way to find the college that suits my major?

I am junior in high school who is interested in majoring in psychology.

Kruz’s Avatar
Kruz Nov 15, 2023 7002 views

How do I start my own dropshipping business at 15?

"Dropshipping technique"
Please help with this, as I don't know how to do this. As well as I need to do this, as it is my dreams. Please help, and thank you

Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua Nov 08, 2023 911 views

I don't know what I currently want to go to college for but I want to do something outdoors or something with my hands. -Which college/university did you attend, private or public? Was it a good fit for you? -Did you actually use your degree for the career you are currently pursuing. (What is your degree?) -How many credits did you take each semester? -If there is something you would go back and change, what would it be? -Why did you choose to attend the school you went to?

College and Careers

kion’s Avatar
kion Nov 14, 2023 7926 views

what are some good business schools?

pls help idkkkk