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3 Questions
221 Karma

Savannah’s Career Goals

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Savannah May 21 556 views

What is the best nursing job to have?

Hi my name is Savannah and i have wanted to be in the Medical Field for a while now. I went from wanting to be a pediatrician to a veterinarian but now i just want to be a nurse. The type of nurse is what i'm struggling with, i've heard about some but i want to know the pros and cons of them...

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Savannah Nov 27, 2023 1584 views

What are some jobs someone can do that doesn't require going to college?

This was just a question that I have because I'm curious.

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Savannah Nov 27, 2023 953 views

How long do I have to go to college to become a Pediatrician ?

When I was younger I always wanted to be a pediatrician because I feel that I work well with kids so that leads me to the questions of how long I would have to go to college to work in that field.