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Aspiring Econ. Student
San Jose, California
10 Questions
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Prithvi Mar 14, 2014 3743 views

What are the most important aspects of a resume?

I've recently made my resume for future opportunities and I was wondering, what are the most important parts. Other than experience, education, and interests, what should I include to make my resume good?

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Prithvi Mar 13, 2014 2490 views

Is business school a good choice to attend after college?

I plan to major in Econ or Finance and hopefully work on Wall St. one day. Is it worth paying for additional education to get my MBA or is going straight into the work force a good choice? #business #finance #education #higher-education #economics

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Prithvi Mar 12, 2014 1949 views

What can I do to stand out in today's working world?

With competition only getting stronger by the year, I'm afraid that by the time I graduate college, it will be extremely hard to get a job in the field I want to go into- Economics and Finance. What other academic opportunities (other than and undergrad degree) can I pursue to make myself stand...

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Prithvi Mar 06, 2014 1504 views

Should I only be looking for colleges with a good department in the specific major I want?

I'm currently decided on majoring in Econ or Finance and so far, I have only been looking into colleges with good Econ. departments. Is this a good strategy when looking for colleges? #college-major #finance #university #economics #college-applications

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Prithvi Mar 06, 2014 12587 views

How strongly does your decided major affect your admission into a University?

I am currently a Junior in high school and some time back, I decided that I wanted to major in Finance or Economics. After looking into a variety of Universities and Colleges on US News, I saw a category called popular majors. I assume this is because that particular College or Uni. has a great...

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Prithvi Mar 05, 2014 2199 views

Does taking a minor in college make you look better to future employers?

I am currently a junior in high school and have recently decided to major in Economics in college, I have heard a lot about minors, but I still want to learn more about them. For example, do you get degree for taking a minor? Do you have a lot more classes if you take a minor? But most...

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Prithvi Mar 05, 2014 22126 views

Should I major in Finance or Economics?

I am currently a junior in High School and I am very interested in working on Wall St. when I grow up, as I have been for a long time. However, with the main majors like Finance, Economics, Accounting, and Business, choosing a major has become difficult. So far, I have narrowed the choices to...

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Prithvi Mar 04, 2014 3309 views

Are there any "universal majors"?

After years of exploring different career options, it seems like my list is getting longer, not shorter. Are there any majors that I can take in college that really can be applied to many different fields of work? For example, I know a major in Economics can help get you a job in politics....

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Prithvi Mar 04, 2014 9989 views

Is doing a double major for Engineering and Economics in college a good choice?

My name is Prithvi and I am a Junior in High School. For a while, I have been interested in majoring in Finance or Economics and college, but I have a lot of experience in Engineering, specifically Computer Science, so I am motivated to take a double major. Should knowledge of Computer Science...

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Prithvi Mar 04, 2014 3036 views

What steps do I need to take to become an Investment Banker?

My name is Prithvi and I am currently a Junior in High School. My interest in college is oriented towards Economics and Finance and after combing through many different career options, I decided that I want to pursue a job at Wall St. firm as an Investment Banker. What do I need to do in order...