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San Jose, California
4 Questions
316 Karma

Jocelyn’s Career Goals

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Jocelyn’s Avatar
Jocelyn Mar 14, 2014 1201 views

Are there any jobs that are unheard of?

The most popular jobs today are like being a doctor or an engineer. Are there any jobs that people overlook? If so, why? #jobs

Jocelyn’s Avatar
Jocelyn Mar 14, 2014 1598 views

What skills are needed or recommended in almost every job?

Are there certain skills that will help you in what ever job you have, or do certain jobs require certain skills? #jobs #skills #recommendation

Jocelyn’s Avatar
Jocelyn Mar 14, 2014 1836 views

Do you have to learn a new language in order to work internationally?

what does it mean to work internationally? Will it help to learn a new language? #career #jobs #international #learning #languages

Jocelyn’s Avatar
Jocelyn Mar 05, 2014 2285 views

What job can you get with a communications major?

I am currently a junior in high school. I am not sure what career I was to purse but majoring in communications is one of my current paths I am willing to take but I am not sure what position I would get if i were to have a job. #jobs #communications