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Hemashree P’s Avatar

Hemashree P

Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
9 Answers
16269 Reads
1 Karma


Civic Duty

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abril’s Avatar
abril Oct 27, 2016 1681 views

Is becoming a nurse a fulfilling job?

I want to become a nurse. #nurse #registered-nurses #nurse-practitioner #pediatric-nursing #trauma-nursing

Alex’s Avatar
Alex Feb 02, 2016 2169 views

What is the interview like for programming jobs?

My name is Alex and I would like to know how it works #program

Mitra ’s Avatar
Mitra Nov 12, 2016 1337 views

Do you have to take summer school to graduate college in four years?

I'm not sure if summer school is worth the money #college

Mark’s Avatar
Mark Oct 30, 2016 1414 views

What is the best computer language to start learning?

Different colleges start programming classes with different programming language. I want to know what might be the smartest language for them to teach to help me choose the college experience that might help me the most. #computer-software

Roland’s Avatar
Roland Oct 26, 2016 1182 views

As a Computer Engineer, what should you start doing in high school to start preparing for your future?

I'm interested in this field and would like to know what I should start doing now to start prepping for my future. #computer-engineering

Zachary’s Avatar
Zachary May 17, 2016 2913 views

Why should I go to college?

I don't know what college to go to

Earl’s Avatar
Earl Jan 11, 2015 2208 views

What is a good programming community?

I want to be in a community of programmers to help me. #computer-science #programming #computer-programming

Archibald’s Avatar
Archibald Apr 27, 2016 2651 views

which is best program language ?

I want to learn a program language, which is the best ? c,c plus plus, java,python,c#or vb? #program

Beatrice’s Avatar
Beatrice May 19, 2016 863 views

Is it possible to become a licenesed initerior architecture?

I would like to become a licensed interior architecture. #career