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Michael Bell’s Avatar

Michael Bell

Occupational Therapist
Healthcare Support Occupations
Cape Coral, Florida
3 Answers
9710 Reads
11 Karma

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Lela’s Avatar
Lela Feb 16, 2024 5778 views

What is the general yearly salary of a physical therapist?

I want to become a physical therapist and I am wondering how much money a physical therapist makes yearly. I hope that I can pursue this profession.

mariah’s Avatar
mariah Feb 16, 2024 2106 views

How is it possible to grow in the physical therapy career after getting a job ?

I want to know if I'll be stuck in the same position forever. Like are raises possible.

alorah’s Avatar
alorah Jan 25, 2024 2118 views

What do I need to know before getting into physical therapy?

What happens in each session? and what do I have to do to be a physical therapist