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Eleanor’s Avatar


Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand
2 Questions
116 Karma

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Eleanor Mar 15 674 views

New Zealand HSFY, is L3 physics really important?

Hi! For all those New Zealanders out there that can help, I am planning on doing Health Science First Year in Otago next year and I have taken all the recommendations but L3 Physics. Last year I did not take L2 Physics so I am in year 13 and taking L2 Physics this year. Someone did recommend me...

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Eleanor Mar 04 949 views

What kind of career/s should I be looking at?

What kind of career would be for someone who likes cellular biology, chemistry, the environment, people, science, but also would love to like cure cancer? I don't want to be stuck in an office, factory or lab all day 24/7, and would like to be able to travel with my career. I have no idea what...