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Charlotte, North Carolina
2 Questions
71 Karma

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Chloe’s Avatar
Chloe Oct 21, 2016 1188 views

What is a good internship for a Mechanical Engineering student who doesn't know what type of company they want to work for in the future after graduation, at this point in time?

I am currently a Mechanical Engineering student at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and I am unsure of what type of job I want when I graduate. I am curious what a good company is to look at for a somewhat inexperienced engineering student. Where are some good places to look for...

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Chloe Oct 21, 2016 1730 views

What is it like in the daily life of a Biomedical Engineer?

I am currently taking an Intro to Biomed course this semester and I am really interested in what types of jobs Biomedical Engineers do. I am also a Mechanical Engineering student with a Biomedical Concentration which also relates me to this interest. I would also like to know the...