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Adekunle Oshiyoye’s Avatar

Adekunle Oshiyoye

Software Engineer
Dearborn, Michigan
5 Answers
7287 Reads
11 Karma

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Ridwan’s Avatar
Ridwan Apr 17 787 views

how do I know if computer science is the right college major for me

I'm a 16 vear old rising high schoo senior. and I've been learning how to code in my free time for the past year or so. I've decided that I want to study computer science in college, but I'm still not entirely sure about my decision.

Logan’s Avatar
Logan Apr 17 914 views

Anyone Know any good coding sites?

What is a good site to learn more coding that is free? I am a high-school student that wants to pursue a major in the IT department. I want to get a head start on the coding process and I want to learn more coding languages because I have some experience in HTML but I think it would be fun to...

Paymahn’s Avatar
Paymahn Apr 17 1011 views

I'm interested in coding and computers but I have not been informed about what jobs include these attributes?

I want to learn more about what jobs would be good fits for me and my style of work. I would like to know more about what kinds of opportunities would be a good fit for me. A job that includes coding and computers would be a nice fit for my style of working but I don't know which exact jobs...

Sandrah’s Avatar
Sandrah Apr 17 1508 views

How do I write a good resume for a job like being an IT engineer and Business, and how do I get to a comfortable level of IT and Sports ?

I wanted to ask if I could end up doing IT and Sports because I play basketball and I want to have a career in basketball but again in IT and business

Alexander’s Avatar
Alexander Apr 17 707 views

What am I supposed to consider on starting a technological project?

Any technological project