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Chelsea Ogan’s Avatar

Chelsea Ogan

Pharmacy Technician Coordinator
Healthcare Support Occupations - Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Nashville, Tennessee
5 Answers
6632 Reads
1 Karma



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Anna Grace’s Avatar
Anna Grace May 21 405 views

How to I prepare best for my future ?

I am interested in a pharmaceutical career path, what classes and out of school activities can I do, to best prepare myself for my future?

Sadi’s Avatar
Sadi Aug 01 545 views

What positive and negative pharmacy experiences are you experiencing? Is it worth it these days??

I will be a senior next school year. And I hear there are lots of stress and pressure, and yelling from coworkers, managers, and patients. I was considering pharmacy, but I don't know if I should anymore. I see many pharmacists quitting on YouTube. Should I pursue a PharmD degree, or another career?

Liz’s Avatar
Liz Apr 17 1323 views

What are some hardships you've encountered while in this field??

pharmacy technician

Liz’s Avatar
Liz Apr 17 1207 views

How long have you been a Pharmacy Technician?

pharmacy technician related stuff

Nabeel’s Avatar
Nabeel Apr 18 3549 views

What would you need in order to become a technician?

I am a junior in high school and tech has been an interest of mine