Aishwarya Balchander
Bengaluru, Karnataka, IndiaFollowing Tags
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how do i become fashion designer?
After 10th, i want to learn vocational skill #fashion

What is market economy and what does it mean to me and my career?
I'm having career doubt. #marketing #economics #economy

Is the Game Design field in demand?
As a person who wants to be a game designer, i was just wandering if by the time Im out of college will my major be in demand. #video-games

What is it like to have a job that makes you happy but has very little income?
I'm worried that I'll spend more time worrying about financial issues than I will actually enjoying my job if I end up with a low income job. #general

what do computer engineers do?
do they just create webistes? #computer-software

What is some advice for someone who just graduated highschool ?
I am about to graduate and I know that i want to work with technology/ repair #graduate-school #working

describe a day in life in your field
just curious #engineering #biology #biomedical-engineering

What is Marketing?
Tell me what marketing is and what do you have to do to become a Marketing woman.