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Sara’s Avatar


San Diego, California
2 Questions
61 Karma

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Sara’s Avatar
Sara Oct 27, 2016 1006 views

Is a Masters degree useful in the world of optics?

I am trying to decide if I should ask about going for my doctorate next fall. I am currently working on my masters and taking the same courses as a PhD student in optical sciences would. I am trying to assess the benefits of getting my masters if my plan is to eventually get a PhD in the same...

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Sara Oct 27, 2016 1052 views

How much does the average Optical Engineering Technician make per year (salary)?

I am new to the industry and trying to compare what I make to what other Optical Engineering Technicians make. I work in an optics lab assembling and testing lenses, among other things. This is not the eye glasses technician! #engineering #optical #financial-planning