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2 Questions
91 Karma

Dylan’s Career Goals

I want to be a software developer up north in a city working for Google

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Dylan Oct 27, 2016 1202 views

Is Mechanical Engineering a good first-choice major if I'm currently a high school senior and unsure which branch of Engineering I should delve into?

I've always heard that Mechanical Engineering is one of the more broad branches of Engineering, and so I was wondering - If I want to keep myself open to the possibility of changing my major to a different field of Engineering, then would it be a good idea to start out with Mechanical...

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Dylan Oct 27, 2016 1202 views

What is life like after attaining a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering?

Would it be easy to find a job? Is it difficult adjusting to the life of a professional engineer, in contrast to the previous life as an engineering student? #engineering #engineer #mechanical-engineering #after-college #graduating