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Alice Strunk’s Avatar

Alice Strunk

Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Oneida, Tennessee
5 Answers
1857 Reads
1 Karma

Active Locations

Samuel’s Avatar
Samuel May 10 546 views

Career in nursing ?

Career in nursing

Crystal’s Avatar
Crystal Mar 24 555 views

how to become a nurse?

how do it?

jayden’s Avatar
jayden May 06 389 views

how to focus on my career?

after high school

Veronica’s Avatar
Veronica May 06 652 views

where would you recommend for a first job ?

Would you recommend a hospital or a clinic for a first job after you get your trade certifications

Ruth’s Avatar
Ruth May 07 460 views

What are some considerable opportunities a pre-med student or any person interested in the medical field should take advantage of?

What are some recommendations for medical opportunities?