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Nicole Brodzik’s Avatar

Nicole Brodzik

Marketing and Communications Specialist
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Minneapolis, Minnesota
3 Answers
9083 Reads
11 Karma

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Louis’s Avatar
Louis May 30, 2024 1901 views

I am interested in video editing and Photography. Where is the best place to start exploring?

I am very interested in becoming a photographer.

Emma’s Avatar
Emma Jun 07, 2024 4856 views

What to do when conflicted over possible majors?

I am an incoming senior in HS. I plan on going down the art path, but do not know whether to do Graphic Design in Marketing, or to go down the Museum Studies path. I am an art student at my school, and plan on joining a student board for an art museum as an internship, but I have always been...

Arsh’s Avatar
Arsh May 28, 2024 1099 views

Is this a good idea or no?

Hello, I am in high school and am thinking about what I am going to major in college.

If I major in psychology and minor in business, will it be hard for me to get a job in human resources or marketing?