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Nomar’s Avatar


Kissimmee, Florida
2 Questions
86 Karma

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Nomar’s Avatar
Nomar Oct 30, 2016 865 views

What is the best industry in your opinion for a Chemical Engineer to work in?

I want to know what industry: polymers, paper, dyes, drugs, plastics, fertilizers, foods, petrochemicals..., would be the most fun and interesting one to work on. I'm not looking for which one looks the best in terms of job growth but instead which seems to be the most creative for the...

Nomar’s Avatar
Nomar Oct 30, 2016 1606 views

What's the day-to-day routine of a Chemical Engineer actually like?

I want to get my Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering, but I want to know what problems they deal with everyday rather than generic "Some chemical engineers make designs and invent new processes. Some construct instruments and facilities. Some plan and operate facilities. Chemical...