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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2 Questions
121 Karma

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Daijah ’s Avatar
Daijah Oct 31, 2016 999 views

Do all majors have internship and study abroad opportunities?

I was wondering for a specific major would an internship opportunity be available at ease or would I have to go looking. Also does each major have a study abroad opportunity? #college #college-major #college-admissions #college-bound #college-recruiting

Daijah ’s Avatar
Daijah Oct 31, 2016 1055 views

Is it better to attend a 2-year university than a 4-year university if you're unsure about college?

I haven't decided yet, what type of school I would like to attend and I haven't established how I would pay for the college. So I was wondering if attending a two year university first is better. #college-admissions #college-bound #college-selection