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Tyler Ray’s Avatar

Tyler Ray

Transformation Consulting
Management Occupations
Ossining, New York
4 Answers
1766 Reads
1 Karma

Active Locations

Aqsa’s Avatar
Aqsa Jun 07 1253 views

What career should I chose, dentistry or opthalmology?

I'm torn between the two. Which is harder, and which is more worth it? I like both career paths equally.

Drodriguez1’s Avatar
Drodriguez1 Feb 15, 2012 2275 views

How do I start my career In the fashion industry to be a stylist.

I am in the 11th grade , in a enterprenuership class we are working on creating our new business and i want to be in the fashion industry to style clothes. #fashion

Wyatt’s Avatar
Wyatt Feb 08 359 views

How do I start a retail store?

How do I start a retail store?

Cam’s Avatar
Cam Jun 10, 2016 858 views

Do I have to obtain a degree in order to be recognized as a fashion consultant?

I have a knack for putting things that the average person would not think about putting together ( an outfit) and receiving compliments on the outfit. #fashion #fashion-and-style