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Asher’s Avatar
Asher Feb 08 859 views

What is a good split for the gym as a soccer player?

I am a soccer player in my sophomore year and started going to the gym around 2-3 months ago and have seen significant progress in both my physique and my overall strength. I have been doing a 3 day split of legs, arm, and chest and back. I was wondering if I should make any changes to the...

Ry’s Avatar
Ry Apr 24 549 views

How should I improve in my soccer and art?

I'm sorta good at art it's a thing I like to do in my free time and it's calming for me but soccer is also a hobby I love to do and I've been called pretty fast and good at kicking the ball also passing but there is one thing I am missing in soccer I'm not sure what it is but I just am. And in...

AVA’s Avatar
AVA May 11 380 views

How to build a career in civil engineering?

What colleges should I attend and what classes should I take?