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Denver Stokes’s Avatar

Denver Stokes

Sales Engineer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Boulder, Colorado
3 Answers
1246 Reads
1 Karma

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Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley May 21 1748 views

What is the most stressful part of creating a technology consulting business? #Spring24 ?

I am a junior in High School interested in Computer Science and Business. In the future I hope to become an entrepreneur with a computer based consulting business such as IT help, Cyber Security, Web development, etc.

David’s Avatar
David May 10 394 views

WWhat are the emerging trends and technology in marketing that i should be aware of?

I am in my 11 grade in high school and i have a bit of experience in affiliate marketing. What kind of course work should i focus on if i want to build a career in marketing?

Arsh’s Avatar
Arsh May 28 983 views

Is this a good idea or no?

Hello, I am in high school and am thinking about what I am going to major in college.

If I major in psychology and minor in business, will it be hard for me to get a job in human resources or marketing?