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Kyle’s Avatar


Chicago, Illinois
3 Questions
196 Karma

Kyle’s Career Goals

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Kyle’s Avatar
Kyle Nov 10, 2016 1138 views

I want to go to business school. What are some key things I should do to prepare myself?

Business school has always been a goal of mine, and I've always wanted to go to a top school. I ask this question because I am committed to attending a top business school. I've already begun to ready myself for a good job after graduation, so what can I do now (as a college student) to prepare...

Kyle’s Avatar
Kyle Nov 09, 2016 2125 views

What was your undergraduate major, and why did you choose it?

I ask this question because not everyone gets a job in their field of study. This question is for those who do not know what they want to study, and are looking for someone who was in a similar situation. A lot of people don't know what to study when they get to college, so did your major play...

Kyle’s Avatar
Kyle Nov 08, 2016 1603 views

What is it like transitioning from a school environment to the workplace, and potentially the other way around?

I am asking this question because I am always thinking about my future and life after college. The future excites me because I am working hard to ensure I have ample opportunities after graduation. Business school is one of my top goals. So, what is it like going from college to employment? And...