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John Combs’s Avatar

John Combs

Staff TechOps Engineer at VMware
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
California, California
14 Answers
24688 Reads
116 Karma


Civic Duty

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Vicente’s Avatar
Vicente Oct 31, 2016 980 views

What can I focus in with Computer Hardware Engineering

Majors have areas of deeper study. What are some of those areas? #computer-hardware

Hajira’s Avatar
Hajira Nov 04, 2016 2492 views

how to become a cardiologist

i am interest about in cardiologist .it is my favorite.i want to know it.please tell me about it. #healthcare #surgery #doctorate-degree #general-surgery #ios-development #mhuu

Alexander’s Avatar
Alexander Nov 11, 2016 983 views

What kind of high school classes do I need to take to het in to a computer tech school?

I want to take a class for computer technology and I don't know what to do I am taking a class called Microsoft is this the choice for me if I want to be a computer technician get back to me soon thx 😜 #expert

Chloe’s Avatar
Chloe Oct 21, 2016 1226 views

What is a good internship for a Mechanical Engineering student who doesn't know what type of company they want to work for in the future after graduation, at this point in time?

I am currently a Mechanical Engineering student at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and I am unsure of what type of job I want when I graduate. I am curious what a good company is to look at for a somewhat inexperienced engineering student. Where are some good places to look for...

Amit’s Avatar
Amit Nov 14, 2016 2081 views

For an undergrad freshmen students, how can they get internships in their related fields. Is it possible to get internship in the first year without any experience or broad knowledge?

I am an engineering student who want to make career in aeronautical engineering. I want to make my base strong and know as much as i can but the problem is i don't have much knowledge in this field. Also, i have heard we can get experience and practical knowledge from internships....

Tania’s Avatar
Tania May 16, 2016 1856 views

How do i pursue a future in the Peace Corps? What career or major should i look into? What does a future look like after the Peace corps?

I love helping people and i would love to be stationed somewhere aiding those who truly need it. Ill be truly fulfilled if i could spend my entire life observing humans from distinct areas and giving back to those who need help or guidance. I'd love to know how i can do this successfully and...

luis’s Avatar
luis Nov 01, 2016 905 views

how can i get into aviation mechanic for the marines?

im in high school how or what should i do #soldier

Shamya’s Avatar
Shamya Nov 09, 2016 922 views

What type of degree do you need to become a pediatrician and are there any courses i can take now to become more experience in that field?

I am a senior in high school and i want to take pre-med courses in college. I want to become a pediatrician because i love kids and i am passionate about helping children and being a big help to the world by a little part. I want to go into college knowing exactly or at least close to what my...

Mason’s Avatar
Mason Oct 20, 2015 1486 views

i want to fishing and hunt and help people with there land

I love fishing and hunting and I don't want to separate them #college #hunting #fishing

Gloria’s Avatar
Gloria Oct 01, 2016 1512 views

Is it exceptional to display a portfolio of your skills on your personally made website?

I have heard that creating your own website is quite exceptional, so I was wondering what are the key points people get for being able to accomplish this task. #skills #portfolio #website-creation #personal-development #job-application

Litzy’s Avatar
Litzy Nov 01, 2016 1001 views

I want to become a Wildlife Veterinarian, but I don't know where to start. What do I do?

I am asking this question because I want to get to help and know more about wildlife animals. Because come wildlife animals are misunderstood, I want to help people learn more about those misunderstood animals and help children and adults not to be afraid of them. #student #veterinarian...

mean’s Avatar
mean Oct 27, 2016 1523 views

What are the jobs related to business information systems?

I really want to know about it. #business #business-management #business-development #web-development #business-intelligence #microsoft-office #websites

Jamecia’s Avatar
Jamecia Oct 20, 2016 841 views

What do I have to Major to create Video Games?

I would love to create (design and code) so would I have to take both Computer Science and Graphic Design or would I have to do another major? #video-games

Balram’s Avatar
Balram May 13, 2016 1197 views

Become a software Engineer???

Because i am very found of designing websites and Apps. even i design app. also now i want to take advanced technology training for making more app. Please guide me regarding that. I am in 10th Class So how i will make my career in Future..... :) :) #educator #software #networking #it...