Danielle Mullins
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Good day Everyone, I would really appreciate if someone could kindly explain in great detail what the difference is between a career in pharmacology and a career in pharmacy . And I don't just mean salary wise, what can one do that the other absolutely can't, how are they both viewed in the workplace... and lots more. Initially, I thought that they were both the more or less on the same level but I've heard lots of things about the former being a less "noble" path and that sometimes they end up as Pharmacy Assistants. I'm hoping to get more of a real life perspective, because searching online has managed to confuse me even more. Thank you in anticipation.?
I'm a college student hoping to be able to see things clearly as they are in the real world.
Hey I’m in the 12th grade and I would like to know How did you do to know exactly what you wanted ?
Student, high school, 12th grade, don’t know what to do
AP Statistics, Physics, or both?
Hi, I'm in my senior year of highschool and wondering if AP Statistics and regular Physics are must-take classes if I want to go into Pharmacology. I think both are extremely valuable but with a calculus course, handling all 3 might be a challenge for me. Should I push myself to take all...
How to I prepare best for my future ?
I am interested in a pharmaceutical career path, what classes and out of school activities can I do, to best prepare myself for my future?
What are the best ways to become a pharmacist without a college degree?
From Job Corps