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New York, New York
2 Questions
241 Karma

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Parker Dec 06, 2016 1365 views

Does the intern experience at a large company fundamentally differ when done during a non-traditional season such as the fall or winter?

- To what degree does timing affect experience as an intern? - What are the pros and cons of working with larger groups of interns/peers during more traditional periods such as the summer? - What are the pros and cons of working with a company as either 1) the only intern or 2) a member of a...

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Parker Dec 02, 2016 2269 views

What is the difference between consulting and investment banking?

How are consulting (increasing efficiency) and investment banking (identifying trends) similar and/or dissimilar? Is there a significant cultural difference between working at an IB as opposed to a consulting firm? #investment-management #project-management #consulting