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Chicago, Illinois
4 Questions
211 Karma

Tyler’s Career Goals

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Tyler Dec 21, 2016 1368 views

What are the pros and cons about owning a business?

Any feedback would be great. #business

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Tyler Dec 21, 2016 1389 views

create an online business for a specific community?

The LGBT community is way behind in my opinion. We cant relate to the rest of the world, because our art/ideas are ignored more. i want to create a website where lgbt art movies books clothing tv pilots etc can be sold and shared amongst one another. An lgbt version of etsy i guess you could...

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Tyler Dec 21, 2016 1058 views

How to take a small business and make it global?

Small businesses are thriving. I want to create a skin care business that uses natural methods to healing skin. As well as alternative types of healing such as binaural beats. For example selling binaural beats playlists for college students struggling with finals or day to day activities. I...

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Tyler Dec 21, 2016 1796 views

Hotel Industry

I have many business endeavors I want to partake on. However my bumber one goal is getting into the hotel/motel industry. I want to own a chain of motels possibly and then move on to hotels. Im 22, college freshman. Any advice on how to make this dream a reality? What steps can I take?...