Sean’s Career Goals
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How do I set up connections?
Who do I reach out to for connections? Do I just go from professor to professor? #networking

What do you do in Community College?
Due to financial situations, I will most likely be going to either Santa Monica, LA, or Pasadena Community College. However, I do not want to waste time and make sure I spend time making sure i can transfer into UCLA during my 3rd year. What should I do to make sure I'm setting up my future?...

How to set up recommendations?
How do you get the connections to get jobs and internships? #internships

Are AP tests worth taking?
I was told that as a senior in high school, AP Classes won't really help you for college as your applications are already processed and it's better to take the actual classes in college instead of trying to skip them by passing the AP Exams. #college #college-admissions #college-bound...

What would be the best way to mix Business and Computer Science interests?
I'm currently interested in majoring in both of them and am wondering how I would be able to mix the two of them. #college #computer-science #business #career #career-choice

What are some ways of getting connections while you're in college?
Making connections is very important and something everyone should be doing. Not sure how and where to start networking though. #university #internships #college-bound #networking

Would saving money and going to a community college for two years be acceptable?
I've been told that doing this is perfectly fine yet a lot of people are also telling me that the first two years of going to a University is where you make all the meaningful connections you will be needing for your career. #college #university #college-admissions #community-college

What are some ways of getting experience in Computer Science (an internship) before college without having prior knowledge on how to code and other sorts of knowledge relevant in the field?
I'm currently in 12th grade and looking for internships but a majority require some knowledge and usually require you to already have a Bachelors. I'm trying to get experience before I enter college and is hard to do so I'll have a better understanding as I take the Computer Science course....