Alaysia’s Career Goals
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When working in the career of Journalism, is it as exciting as many people say? Or does the suspense come for certain types of areas of journalism?
I've always wondered what areas of Journalism are more exciting than the others. I mean, Journalism should be fun either way, but I've always wanted to know which ones brought about the most excitement. Which parts of Journalism spark that rush of love for the career? #career #journalism...

What does a typical journalist do in an average day?
I would LOVE to know how a typical journalist spends their day. Is it in an office? Or are you out and about researching for new stories to generate to the public? #journalism #careers #life #news-writing

What is the Journalism Career like?
I am interested in Journalism and I would like to know how does this whole career pan out for some people? Is it a beneficial career choice or no? #career #career-path #journalism #news-writing