Career questions tagged newspaper

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Sonya379 views

What should I do to maximize my chances of getting a job in journalism?

I'm super interested in becoming a journalist but everyone I talk to says its a really hard field to get hired in especially by major news organizations like the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal. So I was just wondering if there were any programs I could join or things I could do to further my chances into getting hired as a journalist?

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Carlota633 views

What advice would you give to an economics & politics graduate who wants to get into journalism? ?

I have a bachelor's degree in political science and international relations, and am studying for a master's in economics. I haven't studied journalism other than 2 courses in my bachelor's though I've done some volunteer work in media. I'm a good writer and communicator and I think I have a good skill set and range of experiences that would make me a good journalist, but I'm afraid that because I don't have formal training in it, I won't be able to do it. I don't have a particular preference for online, print, radio or television journalism at this point, though I'd probably feel more comfortable with (written) online and print at first. I live in Berlin, Germany and would like to stay here for the medium-term, but would be willing to move elsewhere for journalistic work. Thank you!

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Jenna1426 views

I really love to write, but I heard the journalism field is hard to get into. Where should I start?

I am thinking about majoring in journalism at Kansas University but I want to know if it's going to be worth my time. I really enjoy writing stories and designing pages for my school's newspaper. #journalism #writing #news #newspaper

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Jenna1050 views

I have been on the newspaper staff at my school all four years of high school. I am thinking about continuing in college but I also think that online journalism sounds really fun also, which one would be the most beneficial?

I love working on the newspaper but I also love having news at the touch of a finger 24/7. Their is also a lot more designing I would be able to do online. #journalism #writing #media #news #newspaper #online-media

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RJ4600 views

What does a typical college journalism class look like

I am asking because I am interested in becoming a newspaper journalist, sports journalist, or broadcast journalist after college #sports #journalism #news #newspaper

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Mariana1620 views

What do you need to start a school newspaper?

I'm a junior in high school. #journalism #help #newspaper

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Alaysia1804 views

When working in the career of Journalism, is it as exciting as many people say? Or does the suspense come for certain types of areas of journalism?

I've always wondered what areas of Journalism are more exciting than the others. I mean, Journalism should be fun either way, but I've always wanted to know which ones brought about the most excitement. Which parts of Journalism spark that rush of love for the career? #career #journalism #working #newspaper #news-writing #breaking-news

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