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Jamal’s Avatar


Montevideo, Montevideo Department, Uruguay
3 Questions
627 Karma

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Jamal Apr 02, 2012 2588 views

What is the key to working with people?

In most career fields it is important to work with others. Even if they will not be desirable people. #working #assistance #groups

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Jamal Mar 05, 2012 3837 views

What are the most popular candybars to sell?

I've decided to sell candybars in school and I am wondering which candybars will sell the fastest before I buy them. #business #entrepreneurship #retail

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Jamal Jan 15, 2012 52328 views

In order to become a video game designer, what courses would I take in college?

I really want to design my own video games as a career. I've already decided that that is what I want to do in the future. However, I do not know what courses I should take in college in order to become a successful video game designer. Any information would be useful. #career #video-games...