DaneeshaNFTEBxAero’s Career Goals
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What are some good colleges that offer journalism majors?
I am an English lover, but I also love writing about my experiences and places I have traveled. So, I have decided to consider majoring in journalism. Any suggestions? #journalism #college-majors

What are the best colleges in New York to study business?
I am a senior in high school, and I want to double major in English and buisness. I want to know what the best colleges are, and the requirements to get into the schools. #business #college-majors

What are the main challenges an entrepreneur faces when starting up a business?
I am an entrepreneur in high school and I plan to have my business up and running by the end of this year. However, I want to know the main problems that entrepreneurs face so that I am better prepared to handle them when they cross my path. #business #entrepreneurship #startups