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Christine McClure’s Avatar

Christine McClure

Acting Coach, Screenwriter, Actor - aka Elli Maclure
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Boston, Massachusetts
2 Answers
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Jamie’s Avatar
Jamie Apr 09, 2014 2714 views

I would like to know some tips for a person who wants to pursue a career in acting.

I recently grew upon a love for acting and I want to get to be a professional t.v. actress. #acting #actress

Edwin’s Avatar
Edwin Apr 02, 2014 1824 views

Is there any acting programs in NYC that are highly beneficial for a male teen actor?

currently I am a High School freshman and I am looking forward to becoming an actor, but I do not know of any acting programs that can provide me with the experience to forward the career. #acting #film #actor #film-making #playwright #scripting