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Anida Omerbegovic’s Avatar

Anida Omerbegovic

Transformation Manager
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Zürich, Switzerland
2 Answers
867 Reads
1 Karma

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Miguel’s Avatar
Miguel Apr 25 1130 views

Former consultants - If you made the jump to industry after working in consulting, how did that work for you?

I am very excited to know that I'll be working as a strategy consultant soon after graduation! However, I am considering 'making the jump' to industry later on in life to work at a more specific company that aligns with the changes I'd like to see in the world. (My dream would be to work for a...

Joe’s Avatar
Joe Jun 27, 2023 2456 views

How do I decide between a consulting offer and a wealth/asset management offer. ?

I have competing offers from top tier consulting and wealth management firms and am having trouble deciding between the two if professionals in those fields could speak on their experiences.