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Stoke-on-Trent, England, United Kingdom
7 Questions
616 Karma

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Georgia Feb 02, 2017 1036 views

What time of year do most graduate job applications close?

Obviously I am aware it varies but is there a certain time slot throughout the year where most graduate job applications are open? When do they typically start to close? #job #graduate #job-search #first-job #graduate-recruitment #job-search-strategies

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Georgia Feb 01, 2017 1735 views

Are there any online resources that can aid me in deciding a career, or field or job?

I was wondering if there is any online help in deciding what to do in the future after studying, or to help decide what further studies I want to go into? #career #career-counseling #career-choice #career-path #job-search #career-paths #job-search-strategies #job-searching

Georgia’s Avatar
Georgia Feb 01, 2017 2721 views

What subjects are best to study before university/college? (computer science)

If school does not offer computer science as a subject to study at A-Level, what are the best subjects to study in preparation for a computer science degree? #college #computer-science #university #student

Georgia’s Avatar
Georgia Feb 01, 2017 3158 views

How is it working as a female in a predominantly male environment?

Studying computer science, 95% of the students are male and it isn't rare to be talked down to by male students on the occasion. I was wondering how it is in the workplace if it is mainly a male environment? #computer-science #career #technology #job #graduate #female #workplace

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Georgia Feb 01, 2017 1556 views

Studying tips for visual learners

Hi, I was wondering if anyone had any good studying tips for visual learners, or just some good tips in general! I have found that writing everything out in a colour co-ordinated fashion is good for me but I am looking for other ways to revise! #studies #studying-tips #exams #study-tips

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Georgia Feb 01, 2017 1430 views

Experience on studying abroad

I am due to graduate this summer of 2017 (hopefully!) and I am considering a masters. I have stayed at a local university to complete my degree and have been considering studying abroad for my masters. I am considering Germany or Spain and I am from England. I was wondering if anyone could...

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Georgia Feb 01, 2017 1417 views

Is taking a year out of university/college to gain a year of experience in industry really necessary?

Obviously gaining industry experience before graduating is great but how important would you rate it? Would it strongly differentiate between two potential candidates? How valued for a graduate job would it be? Even if the experience isn't completely relevant to the job. Are graduates looked...