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Laurinburg, North Carolina
10 Questions
376 Karma

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Lyndsey Feb 17, 2017 1489 views

What is the average pay for a music producer?

I would love to produce music but I also need a well paying job to support myself. #music-production

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Lyndsey Feb 17, 2017 822 views

Was ot hard to get a music producing business started?

I want to produce music! #music-production

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Lyndsey Feb 17, 2017 1600 views

What is the average pay for pediatric physical therapist?

I would like to have a good paying job to support myself. #physical-therapy

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Lyndsey Feb 17, 2017 2343 views

How long does college take to become a music producer?

I love music! #music-production

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Lyndsey Feb 17, 2017 832 views

How long did it take to build up your business?

I would love to make music one day! #music-production

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Lyndsey Feb 17, 2017 957 views

Is nashville a good place to go to be a music producer?

I love music! I would like to be a music producer.

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Lyndsey Feb 17, 2017 852 views

Where are some good schools for recording artists?

I love music! I would like to be a music producer. #music-production

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Lyndsey Feb 17, 2017 1139 views

Would it be better to tranfer to an university to study pediatric physical therapy?

Should I go straight into an university or should I transfer to an university after two years of community college. #physical-therapy

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Lyndsey Feb 10, 2017 1941 views

Would it be cheaper to start off at a community college and transfer?

I would like to save as much as possible. #college #doctor #healthcare #health #college-bound #physical-therapy #community-college #university-applications

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Lyndsey Feb 10, 2017 2162 views

How many years of college is it to become a pediatric physical therapist?

I would like to have a plan for those years of my life. #doctor #medicine #healthcare #health #physical-therapy #medicine-education #life-coach