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Tenleigh’s Avatar


Elk River, Minnesota
3 Questions
80 Karma

Tenleigh’s Career Goals

I want to be an Emergency Room Nurse Practitioner in the future. I want to make a difference in peoples lives and I love helping people when they are most in need.



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Tenleigh Oct 11 110 views

How do Nurses manage workplace stress?

I am a Sophomore in high school and currently interested in becoming a Nurse Practitioner. I'm curious how you manage workplace stress or just stress in general on top of your job?

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Tenleigh Oct 11 72 views

Any Nurse Practitioners regret becoming one ?

I am a Sophomore in high school and am currently instead of becoming a Nurse Practitioner. I am still looking for other careers and have trouble deciding one. Just wondering if any Nurse Practitioners wish they took a different career path.

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Tenleigh Oct 10 330 views

Any tips leading up to becoming a Nurse Practitioner as a High school student?

I am a Sophomore in High school, and really interested in becoming an Emergency Room Nurse Practitioner. I want to be prepared and take in any tips that are available to me!