Destiny ’s Career Goals
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Did the pay really matter to you?
Because the money doesn't matter to me. I just wanna do something I love #highschool #influenes

Did you ever teach friends sign language when you were growing up?
I want to see how people tried to spread the word about deaf culture. #american-sign-language #british-sign-language #deaf-education

If you teach sign language professionally, do you also do other work outside of sign?
I'm interested in sign professionally. How much do you care about sign? Is this something I would have to focus all of my attention on all the time? #american-sign-language #british-sign-language #deaf-education

When did you find your love for sign language?
I am asking this question because I want to understand how other people fell in love with sign language like I did and around the age #classes #family #interpreter #languages #american-sign-language #british-sign-language