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Tara Smith’s Avatar

Tara Smith

Flight Paramedic
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Seattle, Washington
2 Answers
389 Reads
1 Karma

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Srin’s Avatar
Srin 2 days ago 181 views

How would I write a research paper, or involve myself in medical research?

I am a sophomore in high school in Wayne, NJ. I would like to write a research paper, work on a medical project, or work with a professional in the medical field and create a project. Where can I start, and what is the process?

sian’s Avatar
sian Oct 21 218 views

what is something you didn't expect going into the medical field?

what is something you didnt expect going into this field?

what are your favorite parts of the day?

how do you feel emotionally helping people heal everyday?