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Stephanie ’s Avatar


Laurinburg, North Carolina
10 Questions
436 Karma

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Stephanie Feb 17, 2017 863 views

how do I have to stay in college to have a PHD in psychology?

I need to how many years I need to have a PHD. #social-science-phd

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Stephanie Feb 17, 2017 1455 views

What should I include in planning my career?

I want to plan for my career so I have a time goal #career-counseling #career-development

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Stephanie Feb 17, 2017 1198 views

How long does it take to get a Phd

I need a time limit so I can plan out my future. #phd #social-science-phd

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Stephanie Feb 17, 2017 942 views

What are great places to get internships?

I want to be a psychologist and need great places intern? #pyschology

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Stephanie Feb 17, 2017 1083 views

What can I put on my resume as a high school student with no experience?

I'm a Sr. In high school and I need a part-time job, but I have no experience so every time I call I always seem to have get the same answer " we aren't hiring just yet, call back in two weeks" #job-search

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Stephanie Feb 17, 2017 1149 views

Hoe can I invest into stocks?

I want to know important things about gaining more money. #marketing #stocks-investing

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Stephanie Feb 17, 2017 1093 views

What is a guaranteed job with a theater major that's not teaching?

I want to major in theater also but I don't want to be a teacher. #theatre

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Stephanie Feb 10, 2017 2452 views

Can you have any degree to be a bank teller?

This is just an alternative for me #banking

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Stephanie Feb 10, 2017 1290 views

Which North Carolina colleges have the best psychology programs?

I have two areas I want to major in and psychology is one of them. #college #psychology #college-bound

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Stephanie Feb 10, 2017 2523 views

What are some great careers for a history major other than teaching?

I really don't want to be a teacher but I love history so much, & I don't want to make below teacher salary either. #college-major #higher-education #history #historical-research #financial-planning