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Fenton Groff, BS, RT (R) (ARRT)’s Avatar

Fenton Groff, BS, RT (R) (ARRT)

Healthcare Support Occupations
Atlantic City, New Jersey
3 Answers
1436 Reads
1 Karma

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Elise’s Avatar
Elise Dec 11, 2024 937 views

I am Not Quite Sure What To Do For College and What The Process is Like

I am in the 7th grade and I am just beginning to explore my future career, what are some careers and helpful next steps I should consider based on my passions and interests? At school, I am most interested in music, English, and science and math when it isn't to easy, but I don't think that I...

Amber’s Avatar
Amber Nov 29, 2024 708 views

Why do I have to do a lot of school?

Why does this take so much school? Like I want to go ahead and make money so I can be rich and not have to live my life with stress over money. I want to be able to prove for my family.

Aima’s Avatar
Aima Oct 23, 2024 583 views

What is the difference between sonography and radiology, specifically, radiologic technologists and diagnostic medical sonographers How do I become one??

I am a Freshman in high school and don't know what to do or where to start. I want an easy-going job in healthcare with great pay and no stress.