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Zoe Miller’s Avatar

Zoe Miller

Network Engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Lawrence Township, New Jersey
4 Answers
3114 Reads
1 Karma

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Pearl’s Avatar
Pearl Nov 04, 2024 1807 views

How to understand a different perspective for characters?

Hi. So I want to make a story, and I want the characters to have diversity in many ways (disabilities, race, personality, ideals, etc.) but I don't know how to make a character through their eyes. How can I express them in a way where it's not assuming and more how they actually interact in the...

Carl’s Avatar
Carl Nov 11, 2024 788 views

Why is my tuition fee. Steep?

Why is my school tuition fee so expensive.

Natasha’s Avatar
Natasha Nov 12, 2024 522 views

What should I consider before choosing which university to transfer to after my second year of college?

Hi there! I'm a second year student at a community college and I'm in the process of submitting my applications to transfer to a 4-year university. I have some doubts which one to choose since I was fine with any that had my major but I have heard other students mentioning their different...