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Zoe Miller’s Avatar

Zoe Miller

Network Engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Lawrence Township, New Jersey
4 Answers
1697 Reads
1 Karma

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Pearl’s Avatar
Pearl Nov 04 796 views

How to understand a different perspective for characters?

Hi. So I want to make a story, but I want the characters to flourish with diversity (disabilities, race, personality, etc.) but I don't know how to make a character through their eyes. Say they had epilepsy, I want the character to be relatable and true to other epileptic people. Edit: Thank...

Carl’s Avatar
Carl Nov 11 520 views

Why is my tuition fee. Steep?

Why is my school tuition fee so expensive.

Natasha’s Avatar
Natasha Nov 12 445 views

What should I consider before choosing which university to transfer to after my second year of college?

Hi there! I'm a second year student at a community college and I'm in the process of submitting my applications to transfer to a 4-year university. I have some doubts which one to choose since I was fine with any that had my major but I have heard other students mentioning their different...