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Mohammed Usman’s Avatar

Mohammed Usman

Laboratory Technologist
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
2 Answers
1065 Reads
11 Karma

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Miya’s Avatar
Miya Nov 25, 2024 419 views

What is the hardest part in your job? (NICU nurse)

I'm in 10th grade at Mayo High school, and I also attend a program called P-TECH. I am doing an assignment where I research the job I want to have when I am older.

Tasnin’s Avatar
Tasnin Nov 30, 2024 1188 views

How should I decide if I want to be a dentist or an ultrasound technician/sonographer?

I am a junior in high school and I'm having a hard time choosing what I want to become. My top choices are definitely a dentist or an ultrasound tech. However, I'm conflicted about which one to choose. Going the dentist route I'd be in school for longer, around 8 years while ultrasound tech...