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Tom Shou’s Avatar

Tom Shou

SW Engineer / EE
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Fremont, California
5 Answers
6168 Reads
31 Karma



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Paul’s Avatar
Paul Aug 19, 2016 1676 views

How would someone with a computer science degree get into sports entertainment?

I am looking into getting my computer science degree and I want to know what jobs are for this field. #computer-science #computer-software #sports #sports-management #computers #sports-marketing #sports-journalism #sports-media

Antonio’s Avatar
Antonio Mar 01, 2017 837 views

What is the minimum gpa you need to get into pembroke college in northcarolina

To get in prembroke #united-states-government

Antonio’s Avatar
Antonio Feb 28, 2017 1064 views

What gpa you need to get in nc state

To get into the school #united-states

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Feb 26, 2017 1357 views

How do students pursuing a PhD working in research earn money?

I'm interested in getting a PhD in biomedical science, but I'm not sure how to earn money working as a researcher while still having to pay for school. #research #biomedical #phd #medical-research #biomedical-science #science-phd

Angelina’s Avatar
Angelina Feb 27, 2017 1255 views

Is volunteering a lot enough to make me stand out when applying to colleges?

I am homeschooled, so I don't have very many extracurricular activity opportunities. I do volunteer a lot, usually 150-200 hours a year. Will that be enough to make me stand out when I apply to colleges, or no? Thanks! #college #business #education #higher-education #volunteering...