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Prasanti Madireddi’s Avatar

Prasanti Madireddi

Senior Director at Oracle
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
California, California
2 Answers
3000 Reads
1 Karma

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Wilfrido’s Avatar
Wilfrido Oct 20, 2016 1269 views

What is the most important/helpful thing that will be useful in learning computer engineering?

I know that to get a degree in computer engineering there are a lot of very difficult things to learn and I would like to know what helped people before me complete their bachelors degree in computer engineering. #computer-software #engineering

Darius’s Avatar
Darius Oct 25, 2016 1913 views

What does a computer engineer typically accomplish in a day of work?

I'm planning to major in computer engineering, but I'm not sure what kind of work expect and whether I want to go into computer hardware or software engineering. #computer-software #engineering #computer #computer-hardware