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Rockland, Massachusetts
5 Questions
271 Karma

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Meng Apr 09, 2014 4103 views

What do commissions look like for a seasoned stock broker?

I am a junior in high school. #money #investing #dinero #broker #commissions #stock

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Meng Apr 09, 2014 1787 views

How often do you get promoted when working for an investment bank?

I'm a junior in high school. #money #investment #dinero #promotion #banks #often

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Meng Apr 08, 2014 1732 views

What type of education do I need to become an Investment Banker or Seasoned Stock Broker

I'm a Junior in high school. #business #education #investment-banker #stockbroker

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Meng Apr 08, 2014 1632 views

What does the work of an investment banker look like?

I'm a Junior in high school. I watched the movie American Psycho and I wanted to know more afterwards. #money #investing #banking #dinero

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Meng Apr 07, 2014 2423 views

What does the daily schedule of a seasoned stock broker look like?

I am a Junior in high school. I am quite interested in this career. I watched the movie Trading Places and I was inspired but that was a movie so I want to know the real life process. #business #investment