Catrina’s Career Goals
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How can I publish my book as a high schooler?
Hello! I am a freshman in high school, and I am halfway through writing a book that I would really like to publish. However, publishing is expensive. Should I wait until I’ve graduated to try and publish? Could I potentially self-publish?

What resources are out there for learning Hebrew?
Hello! I am a freshman in high school and I am very passionate about learning foreign languages. I’m considering a career in linguistics when I am older, but I have hit a bit of a road block. I managed to teach myself Spanish to fluency over the past two years. I had access to books in Spanish,...

Did I start my instrument too late?
Hello! I’m interested in becoming a professional classical musician. The problem is I started playing clarinet at the age of twelve and I am currently a freshman in high school. Most successful musicians start their instruments at an extremely young age. Did I start too late to make it in the...