maya’s Career Goals
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What is going to college for computer service like?
I am currently enrolled in Job Corps and in the process of getting a trade in a computer service. I also am going to college once I finish the program I just need advice about what college is like, especially for people whose majors involve computer service.

What skills or abilities should I already have going into computer service ?
I am currently enrolled in Job Corps and in the process of getting a trade in a computer service. I am wondering what skills or abilities I should already have going into computer service.

What is the learning process of computer service like?
I am currently enrolled in Job Corps and in the process of getting a trade in a computer service. I am wondering what the learning process is like because I want to know if it matches my learning style.

What are the working conditions in computer service like?
I am currently in the process of getting a trade in a computer service. I am wondering about what the working conditions are like because they are going to dictate if I want to go into this career.