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Sdancy13NFTEBOSS’s Avatar


San Carlos, California
2 Questions
252 Karma

Sdancy13NFTEBOSS’s Career Goals

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Sdancy13NFTEBOSS’s Avatar
Sdancy13NFTEBOSS Jan 19, 2012 3301 views

How do you go about choosing the type of career that you want to do?

I'm having a problem with choosing the type of career I want to engage in. Im very talented; love choreographing, singing, fashion (designing) , accountant. It's just hard to choose when I love to do so many things. Some days I want to open my own boutique, then other days I want to be an...

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Sdancy13NFTEBOSS Jan 19, 2012 4743 views

What's the difference between a normal accountant and a certified accountant?

Im in the 11th grade and I'm in an entrepreneurship class. I wanted to know what's the difference between a regular accountant (not certified) and a certified accountant. #accounting #money #math #accountant #financial #certified